
Aggregately Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Pronunciation: uh-gri-git-lee

Meaning in Urdu: مجموعی طور پر

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. مجموعی طور پر
  2. کل طور پر
  3. مجموعیت سے

Origin of the Word Aggregately

The word “aggregately” is derived from the Latin word “aggregatus,” which means “to collect into a flock or herd.” It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Synonyms of Aggregately

1. Collectively

2. Comprehensively

3. Entirely

4. Wholly

Antonyms of Aggregately

1. Individually (انفرادی طور پر)

2. Separately (الگ الگ طور پر)

3. Dispersedly (متفرق طور پر)

Nearby Words

1. Aggregate (Noun) – مجموعیت

2. Aggregation (Noun) – مجموعیت

3. Aggravate (Verb) – بگاڑنا

4. Aggravation (Noun) – تشدد

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The data was aggregately analyzed to identify trends. (ڈیٹا کو مجموعی طور پر تجزیہ کیا گیا تاکہ روایات کا پتہ چل سکے۔)

2. The company’s profits have increased aggregately over the past year. (کمپنی کے منافع پچھلے سال سے مجموعی طور پر بڑھ گئے ہیں۔)

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