
Annalist Meaning in Urdu

An annalist, pronounced as [an-l-ist], is a noun that refers to a person who writes or compiles historical records or annals. In Urdu, annalist can be translated into several meanings:

  1. تاریخ نگار (Tareekh Nigar): This term refers to someone who writes or records historical events.
  2. مورخ (Mauarrikh): This word is used for a historian who chronicles events and facts.
  3. منسوبہ نگار (Mansooba Nigar): It signifies a person who documents and maintains records of a particular organization or institution.

Synonyms of Annalist

Some synonyms of annalist include:

  • Historian (تاریخ دان)
  • Chronicler (مورخ)
  • Recorder (منسوبہ نگار)

Antonyms of Annalist

Antonyms of annalist with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Forgetful (بھولنے والا)
  • Uninformed (بے خبر)
  • Ignorant (جاہل)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to annalist are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Annals Noun تاریخی روایات
Annuity Noun سالانہ رقم
Annoy Verb پریشان کرنا

Origin of the Word Annalist

The word annalist originated from the Latin word “annālis,” which means “pertaining to a year.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using the word annalist:

  1. The annalist meticulously recorded every significant event in the kingdom.
  2. The renowned annalist published a comprehensive book on ancient civilizations.
  3. As an annalist, it is essential to maintain accurate and unbiased historical records.

If you want to explore more about the term “annalist,” you can refer to the following resources: