
Animism Meaning in Urdu: اشباعیت

Animism is a belief system that attributes souls or spirits to animals, plants, and inanimate objects. It is derived from the Latin word “anima,” meaning soul or life. In Urdu, animism is known as اشباعیت.

Synonyms of Animism:

  • Shamanism – شامانیت
  • Fetishism – تعمیروں کا عقیدہ
  • Paganism – ونسا

Antonyms of Animism:

  • Atheism – بے خدائی
  • Materialism – مادیت
  • Rationalism – عقل پرستی

Nearby Words:

  • Animal (Noun) – جانور
  • Animate (Verb) – زندہ کرنا
  • Animation (Noun) – تحریک
  • Anima (Noun) – جان

Origin of the Word Animism:

The term “animism” was first coined by British anthropologist Sir Edward Tylor in his book “Primitive Culture” published in 1871. It stems from the belief that all things, including natural phenomena and objects, possess a spiritual essence or soul.

Examples Sentences:

  1. Animism is deeply rooted in many indigenous cultures around the world. (اشباعیت دنیا بھر میں بہت سی بومی باشندوں کے دلوں میں گہری جڑیں رکھتی ہے۔)
  2. The animism of the tribe involves worshiping natural elements like trees and rivers. (قبیلے کی اشباعیت میں درختوں اور دریاوں جیسے قدرتی عناصر کی عبادت شامل ہوتی ہے۔)

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