
April Meaning in Urdu: اپریل

April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is derived from the Latin word “Aprilis” which means “to open”. In Urdu, April is pronounced as “april” and written as اپریل.

Meanings of April in Urdu:

  • اپریل: The fourth month of the year.
  • بہار کا مہینہ: The month of spring.
  • خوشگوار مہینہ: Pleasant month.

Synonyms of April:

Similar words for April include:

  • Spring
  • Season of blossoms
  • Flowering time

Antonyms of April:

Opposite words for April include:

  • Winter (موسم سرد)
  • Autumn (خزاں)
  • Monsoon (موسم بارش)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
March Noun مارچ
May Noun مئی
Spring Noun بہار

Origin of the Word April:

The word April originated from the Latin word “Aprilis”. It was named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who was associated with love, beauty, and fertility.

Example Sentences:

  1. I love the blooming flowers in April. (مجھے اپریل میں کھلتے ہوئے پھولوں سے محبت ہے۔)
  2. April is the perfect time to go for a picnic. (اپریل پکنک کرنے کا مکمل وقت ہے۔)
  3. She was born on the 15th of April. (وہ اپریل کے پندرہ تاریخ کو پیدا ہوئی تھی۔)

For more information about April, you can visit the following websites: