
Angrier Meaning in Urdu: غصے میں زیادہ

Angrier is an adjective that describes a state of being more furious or enraged. In Urdu, it is translated as “غصے میں زیادہ”. The word “angrier” is derived from the base word “angry” and the suffix “-er” which indicates a comparative degree.

Synonyms of Angrier:

  • Furious – غصے والا (adjective)
  • Enraged – غصے میں (adjective)
  • Irate – ناراض (adjective)
  • Infuriated – غصے میں (adjective)

Antonyms of Angrier:

  • Calm – پرسکون (adjective)
  • Content – مطمئن (adjective)
  • Happy – خوش (adjective)
  • Satisfied – مطمئن (adjective)

Nearby Words:

  • Anger – غصہ (noun)
  • Angry – ناراض (adjective)
  • Anguish – رنج (noun)
  • Angle – زاویہ (noun)

Origin of the Word Angrier:

The word “angrier” originated from the Middle English word “angry” which means “full of trouble or pain”. It can be traced back to the Old Norse word “angr” meaning “grief” or “sorrow”. Over time, the word evolved to its current form to describe a heightened state of anger or fury.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He became even angrier when he found out about the betrayal. (وہ مزید غصے میں آئے جب اس نے دغا کی خبر سنی)
  2. The customer grew angrier as the service continued to be poor. (خدمت کی بدحالی جاری رہنے کی وجہ سے گاہک مزید غصے میں آگیا)
  3. She felt angrier than ever before and decided to confront the person responsible. (اس نے کبھی پہلے سے زیادہ غصے میں محسوس کیا اور فائزہ کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا)

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