
Anecdotal Meaning in Urdu: انوکھی کہانیوں پر مبنی

Anecdotal is an adjective that is used to describe something that is based on personal accounts or stories rather than on scientific evidence or research. In Urdu, the meaning of anecdotal can be translated as “انوکھی کہانیوں پر مبنی” which refers to something that is based on unique or unusual stories.

Synonyms of Anecdotal:

  • Informal (غیر رسمی)
  • Unverified (غیر تصدیق شدہ)
  • Unsubstantiated (غیر ثابت شدہ)
  • Unconfirmed (غیر تصدیق شدہ)

Antonyms of Anecdotal:

  • Factual (حقیقی)
  • Verified (تصدیق شدہ)
  • Proven (ثابت شدہ)
  • Confirmed (تصدیق شدہ)

Nearby Words:

  • Anecdote (noun) – کسی واقعے کی کہانی
  • Anecdotist (noun) – کسی واقعے کی کہانی سنانے والا
  • Anecdotally (adverb) – کسی واقعے کی کہانی کے طور پر

Origin of the word Anecdotal:

The word anecdotal originated from the French word “anecdotique” in the early 18th century. It is derived from the Greek word “anekdota” which means “unpublished items.” The term was initially used to describe secret or unpublished historical narratives.

Example Sentences:

  1. His argument was purely anecdotal and lacked any scientific evidence. (اس کا دلیل صرف انوکھی کہانیوں پر مبنی تھا اور کوئی سائنسی ثبوت نہیں تھا۔)
  2. She shared an anecdotal story about her encounter with a famous celebrity. (اس نے اپنے ایک مشہور شخصیت کے ساتھ کے تجربے کی انوکھی کہانی کا اشتراک کیا۔)

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