
Androgynous Meaning in Urdu: A Gender-Neutral Identity

Androgynous, pronounced as “an-druh-juh-nuhs,” is an English word that has made its way into the Urdu language. In Urdu, it is commonly known as “مردوں جیسا” (mardon jaisa), which translates to “like a man” or “manly.” However, the term has multiple meanings in Urdu, including “جنسیتی مشابہت رکھنے والا” (jinsiyati mushabihat rakhnay wala), which means “having sexual resemblance” and “مرد اور عورت کی خصوصیات کا مجموعہ” (mard aur aurat ki khasosiyat ka majmua), which refers to “a combination of male and female characteristics.”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of androgynous in Urdu are “مردانہ” (mardana) and “زنانہ” (zanana), meaning masculine and feminine, respectively. Antonyms of androgynous include “جنسیتی تفاوت رکھنے والا” (jinsiyati tafawut rakhnay wala), which means “having sexual differences,” and “مردانہ یا زنانہ” (mardana ya zanana), referring to “either masculine or feminine.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to androgynous are:

  • Noun: Gender (جنس), Identity (شناخت)
  • Adjective: Ambiguous (مبہم), Unisex (غیر جنسی), Bisexual (دو جنسی)
  • Verb: Identify (شناخت کرنا), Resemble (مشابہ ہونا)

Origin of the Word

The word “androgynous” originates from the Greek words “andro” meaning “man” and “gyne” meaning “woman.” It refers to a combination of both male and female characteristics in a person’s appearance, behavior, or identity.

Examples Sentences

Here are a few examples of sentences using the word “androgynous” in Urdu:

  1. وہ ایک اندروجینس شکل کا شخص ہے۔ (He is a person with an androgynous appearance.)
  2. اندروجینستا کی خصوصیات کو قبول کرنا ضروری ہے۔ (Accepting androgyny is essential.)

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