
Anatomize Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Depths of Understanding

Anatomize, pronounced as “uh-nat-uh-mahyz,” is a verb that holds great significance in the field of anatomy. It refers to the detailed examination or analysis of the structure and components of a living organism, especially through dissection. In Urdu, anatomize can be translated as “تشریح کرنا” (tashreeh karna) or “تجزیہ کرنا” (tajziya karna).

Synonyms of Anatomize:

  • Dissect (تشریح کرنا)
  • Analyze (تجزیہ کرنا)
  • Examine (جائزہ لینا)
  • Explore (تلاش کرنا)

Antonyms of Anatomize:

  • Assemble (جمع کرنا)
  • Combine (ملانا)
  • Construct (تعمیر کرنا)
  • Create (پیدا کرنا)

Nearby Words:

  • Anatomy (Noun) – علم الانسان (ilm-ul-insaan)
  • Anatomical (Adjective) – تشریحی (tashreehi)
  • Anatomist (Noun) – تشریح کار (tashreeh kaar)
  • Anatomically (Adverb) – تشریحی طور پر (tashreehi tor par)

Origin of the Word Anatomize:

The word “anatomize” originated from the Greek word “anatome,” meaning “dissection.” It entered the English language in the 17th century, derived from the Latin word “anatomia” and the Greek word “anatomein,” both of which refer to the process of cutting up or dissecting.

Example Sentences:

  1. Doctors often anatomize cadavers to gain a deeper understanding of human anatomy. (ڈاکٹروں کو عموماً لاشوں کی تشریح کرنی پڑتی ہے تاکہ انسانی جسم کی تشریح کا عمقی علم حاصل کیا جا سکے۔)
  2. The scientist decided to anatomize the specimen under a microscope. (سائنسدان نے فیصلہ کیا کہ نمونے کی تشریح کو مائیکروسکوپ کے تحت کیا جائے۔)

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