
Analogy Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Examples

Analogy is a noun that refers to a comparison between two things based on their similarities. In Urdu, analogy can be translated as “تشبیہ” (tashbeeh) or “مماثلت” (mumasalat).

Synonyms of Analogy:

  • Similitude – مشابہت (mushabihat)
  • Comparison – مقابلہ (muqabla)
  • Correspondence – مطابقت (mutabiqat)
  • Parallel – متوازی (mutawazi)

Antonyms of Analogy:

  • Difference – اختلاف (ikhtilaf)
  • Contrast – مقابل (muqabil)
  • Dissimilarity – اختلاف (ikhtilaf)
  • Disparity – فرق (farq)

Nearby Words:

  • Analogous (Adjective) – مشابہ (mushabah)
  • Analogize (Verb) – تشبیہ کرنا (tashbeeh karna)
  • Analogist (Noun) – تشبیہ کار (tashbeeh kar)
  • Analogical (Adjective) – تشبیہی (tashbeehi)

Origin of the Word Analogy:

The word “analogy” originated from the Greek word “analogia,” which means proportion or correspondence. It entered the English language in the 16th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He explained the concept using an analogy with a car engine. (وہ نے تشبیہ کے ذریعے مفہوم کی وضاحت کی)
  2. There is an analogy between the human brain and a computer. (انسانی دماغ اور کمپیوٹر کے درمیان تشبیہ ہے)
  3. She drew an analogy between life and a roller coaster ride. (اس نے زندگی اور رولر کوسٹر کی سواری کے درمیان تشبیہ کی)

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