Anagram Meaning in Urdu: اناگرام کا مطلب
Anagram is a word of Greek origin that refers to a rearrangement of letters from one word or phrase to form another word or phrase. In Urdu, anagram can be translated as “اناگرام” which means the same.
Anagram Pronunciation
The pronunciation of anagram in English is /ˈænəˌɡræm/.
Synonyms of Anagram
Some synonyms of anagram include:
- Wordplay (لفظی کھیل)
- Transposition (تبدیلی)
- Shuffle (ملانا)
- Reordering (ترتیب دینا)
Antonyms of Anagram
Antonyms of anagram in Urdu:
- Original (اصلی)
- Unscrambled (بے الفاظ)
- Ordered (ترتیب شدہ)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to anagram with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:
- Analog (Noun) – مشابہت
- Analogy (Noun) – تشبیہ
- Anarchist (Noun) – بے حکمت
- Anarchy (Noun) – بے حکمتی
Origin of the Word Anagram
The word “anagram” originated from the Greek word “anagrammatismos” which means “rearranging letters”. It was later adopted into Latin as “anagramma” and then into English.
Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning
- She discovered that “listen” is an anagram of “silent”. (وہ جان گئی کہ “سنو” کو “خاموش” کا اناگرام کہتے ہیں۔)
- Can you solve this anagram and find the hidden word? (کیا آپ اس اناگرام کو حل کر سکتے ہیں اور چھپے ہوئے لفظ کو تلاش کر سکتے ہیں؟)
For more information about anagrams, you can visit the following websites: