
Almonds: A Nutritional Powerhouse

Pronunciation of Almonds

The word “almonds” is pronounced as “ah-muhnds”.

Meaning of Almonds in Urdu

In Urdu, almonds are known as “بادام” (baadaam). Other meanings include:

  • مغزی نوکدار پھل (mughzi nokdar phal) – Nutty pointed fruit
  • بادام کا درخت (baadaam ka darakht) – Almond tree
  • بادامی رنگ (baadami rang) – Almond color

Origin of the Word Almonds

The word “almonds” originated from the Old French word “almande” which came from the Latin word “amygdala”.

Synonyms of Almonds

Synonyms for almonds include:

  • Nuts
  • Kernel
  • Seed
  • Stone fruit

Antonyms of Almonds

Antonyms for almonds include:

  • Empty
  • Hollow
  • Void

Nearby Words

Related words to almonds include:

  • Walnuts (Noun) – اخروٹ
  • Cashews (Noun) – کاجو
  • Pistachios (Noun) – پستہ
  • Hazelnuts (Noun) – فندق

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using almonds with their Urdu meanings:

  • I love eating almonds for their health benefits. (مجھے صحت کے فوائد کے لئے بادام کھانے کا شوق ہے۔)
  • She added crushed almonds to the cake batter. (اس نے کیک کے بیٹر میں کچلے ہوئے بادام شامل کیے۔)
  • Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E. (بادام وٹامن E کا ایک اچھا ذریعہ ہیں۔)

For more information about almonds, you can visit the following websites:

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