
Almond-Shaped Pronunciation

The pronunciation of almond-shaped is [ah-muhnd sheypt].

Almond-Shaped Meaning in Urdu

Almond-shaped is translated as “بادام کی شکل” in Urdu. It refers to something that resembles the shape of an almond.

Origin of the Word Almond-Shaped

The term almond-shaped is derived from the noun “almond,” which refers to the edible seed of the almond tree. The shape of an almond is elongated and narrow, resembling an oval or a teardrop.

Synonyms of Almond-Shaped

Some synonyms of almond-shaped include:

  • Oval
  • Elliptical
  • Teardrop-shaped

Antonyms of Almond-Shaped

Antonyms of almond-shaped with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Round – “گول”
  • Square – “مربع”
  • Triangular – “تکونی”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to almond-shaped with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Almond – Noun – “بادام”
  • Shape – Noun – “شکل”
  • Oval – Adjective – “انڈے کی شکل کا”
  • Elliptical – Adjective – “بیضوی شکل کا”
  • Teardrop – Noun – “آنسو کی شکل”

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using almond-shaped along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The actress had beautiful almond-shaped eyes. – “اداکارہ کے خوبصورت بادام کی شکل کے آنکھیں تھیں۔”
  • The pendant had an almond-shaped gemstone. – “پینڈنٹ میں بادام کی شکل کا قیمتی پتھر تھا۔”


For more information on almond-shaped, you can visit the following sources:

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