
Alluded: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin


The word “alluded” is pronounced as uh-lood or uh-lood-id.

Meaning in Urdu:

The word “alluded” has several meanings in Urdu, including:

  1. اشارہ کرنا (ishara karna) – to indicate or suggest
  2. حوالہ دینا (hawala dena) – to refer or mention indirectly
  3. تذکرہ کرنا (tazkira karna) – to make an allusion or reference


The word “alluded” originated from the Latin word “alludere,” which means “to play with” or “to jest.” It entered the English language in the mid-16th century.


Some synonyms of “alluded” include:

  • hinted
  • suggested
  • implied
  • referred
  • insinuated


Antonyms of “alluded” with their meanings in Urdu:

  1. صراحت کرنا (sarahat karna) – to state explicitly
  2. واضح کرنا (wazeh karna) – to make clear
  3. بیان کرنا (byan karna) – to express

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “alluded” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
allude verb اشارہ کرنا (ishara karna)
allusion noun اشارہ (ishara)
allusive adjective اشارتی (isharati)
allusively adverb اشارتاً (isharatan)

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences using “alluded” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He alluded to the incident without directly mentioning it. (وہ اس واقعے کا اشارہ کیا بغیر سیدھے طور پر ذکر کیے۔)
  2. The speaker alluded to a famous quote during his speech. (خطاب کرنے والے نے اپنے خطاب میں ایک مشہور حکمت عملی کا اشارہ کیا۔)
  3. She alluded to her difficult childhood without going into details. (وہ تفصیلات میں جانے بغیر اپنے مشکل بچپن کا اشارہ کیا۔)

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