
Album Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “album” is pronounced as “al-buhm” in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “البم” (pronounced as “al-bum”).

The meaning of album in Urdu includes:

  • تحفہ (pronounced as “tohfa”) – meaning “gift”
  • رسمی کتاب (pronounced as “rasmi kitaab”) – meaning “official book”
  • تصویری کتاب (pronounced as “tasweeri kitaab”) – meaning “picture book”

Origin of the Word Album

The word “album” originated from the Latin word “albus” which means “white”. In ancient Rome, “album” referred to a blank tablet or register where white pages were used to collect information or display public notices.

Synonyms of Album

Synonyms of album include:

  • Collection
  • Compilation
  • Anthology
  • Portfolio

Antonyms of Album

Antonyms of album with their meanings in Urdu:

  • بے تحاشہ (pronounced as “be tahasha”) – meaning “disorderly”
  • بے ترتیب (pronounced as “be tarteeb”) – meaning “unorganized”
  • بے ربط (pronounced as “be rabt”) – meaning “unrelated”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to album with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Albino (noun) – البینو (pronounced as “albino”) – meaning “a person or animal lacking normal pigmentation”
  • Albeit (conjunction) – ہر چند کہ (pronounced as “har chand keh”) – meaning “although”
  • Alb (noun) – سفید چادر (pronounced as “safed chaadar”) – meaning “a white linen liturgical vestment”

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • This album contains all my favorite songs. (اس البم میں میرے پسندیدہ گانے ہیں۔)
  • She gifted me a photo album on my birthday. (اس نے میرے جنم دن پر مجھے ایک تصویری البم تحفہ دیا۔)
  • The artist released a new album last week. (کالاکار نے پچھلے ہفتے ایک نیا البم جاری کیا۔)

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