air raid

Air Raid: Definition, Pronunciation, and Meaning in Urdu

Air Raid Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “air raid” is [air-reyd].

Air Raid Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “air raid” in Urdu can be translated into multiple phrases:

  1. ہوائی حملہ (Hawai Hamla)
  2. ہوائی حملے کا حملہ (Hawai Hamlay Ka Hamla)
  3. ہوائی حملے کا حملہ کرنا (Hawai Hamlay Ka Hamla Karna)

Origin of the Word Air Raid

The term “air raid” originated during World War I when it was used to describe an attack carried out by aircraft on ground targets. It gained prominence during World War II when bombings on civilian areas became more frequent.

Synonyms of Air Raid

Some synonyms of “air raid” include:

  • Bombing
  • Aerial attack
  • Air strike
  • Air assault

Antonyms of Air Raid

Antonyms of “air raid” in Urdu:

  1. امن (Aman) – Peace
  2. بے خوفی (Be Khofi) – Fearlessness
  3. حفاظت (Hifazat) – Protection

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “air raid” are:

  • Noun: Airbase (ہوائی بیس), Aircraft (ہوائی جہاز), Airfield (ہوائی میدان)
  • Verb: Air (ہوا میں اڑنا), Airlift (ہوائی راہداری), Airborne (ہوائی میں لے جانا)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The city was heavily damaged during the air raid. (شہر کو ہوائی حملے میں کھبا ہوا)
  2. People took shelter in the underground bunkers during the air raid. (لوگ ہوائی حملے کے دوران زمینی گڑھوں میں پناہ لیتے تھے)
  3. The air raid sirens warned the civilians of an impending attack. (ہوائی حملے کی گھنٹیاں عوام کو آنے والے حملے کی خبر دیتی تھیں)

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