
Afflux Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Afflux is pronounced as “uh-fluhks” and it is a noun. In Urdu, it can be translated into multiple meanings:

  • تندی (tandi) – meaning a sudden rush or surge
  • بڑھوتری (barhotri) – meaning an increase or rise
  • اضافہ (izafa) – meaning an addition or augmentation

Origin of the Word Afflux

The word “afflux” originated from the Latin word “affluxus,” which means “a flowing towards.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Afflux

Some synonyms of afflux include:

  • Influx
  • Inrush
  • Increase
  • Rush
  • Flood

Antonyms of Afflux

Antonyms of afflux in Urdu include:

  • کمی (kami) – meaning a decrease or reduction
  • کم ہونا (kam hona) – meaning to diminish or lessen
  • تنگی (tangi) – meaning scarcity or shortage

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to afflux, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Verb:
  • Flow – بہنا (behnā)
  • Rush – جلدی کرنا (jaldi karna)
  • Increase – بڑھانا (barhana)
  • Noun:
  • Influx – داخلہ (dakhla)
  • Inrush – دھاواں (dhawan)
  • Flood – سیلاب (selab)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word afflux along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The afflux of tourists during the holiday season boosted the local economy. (تعطیلات کے موسم میں سیاحوں کی تندی نے مقامی معیشت کو بڑھا دیا)
  • The sudden afflux of water caused the river to overflow. (پانی کی اچانک تندی نے دریا کو بہا دیا)
  • There was an afflux of donations after the natural disaster. (طبعی آفت کے بعد عطیات کی بڑھوتری ہوئی)


To learn more about the word afflux, you can visit the following websites:

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