affaire d’amour

Affaire d’amour Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Affaire d’amour is a French phrase that is commonly used in English to refer to a love affair or a romantic relationship. The pronunciation of affaire d’amour is [ah-fair duh-ah-moor].

Affaire d’amour Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of affaire d’amour in Urdu can be translated as:

  • محبت کا تعلق
  • عاشقانہ تعلق
  • محبتی تعلق

Origin of the Word Affaire d’amour

Affaire d’amour originated from the French language. “Affaire” means affair, and “d’amour” means of love. Together, they form the phrase affaire d’amour, which specifically refers to a romantic or love affair.

Synonyms of Affaire d’amour

Synonyms of affaire d’amour include:

  • Love affair
  • Romantic relationship
  • Passionate affair
  • Amorous relationship

Antonyms of Affaire d’amour

Antonyms of affaire d’amour in Urdu are:

  • نفرت کا تعلق (Relationship of hatred)
  • دشمنانہ تعلق (Hostile relationship)
  • بے دوستی (Enmity)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to affaire d’amour are:

  • Affair (Noun) – معاملہ
  • Amour (Noun) – محبت
  • Love (Noun) – محبت
  • Relationship (Noun) – تعلق

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using affaire d’amour with their Urdu translations:

  • He had an affaire d’amour with his secretary. (وہ اپنی سیکرٹری کے ساتھ محبتی تعلق رکھتا تھا۔)
  • The novel explores the complexities of affaire d’amour. (اس ناول میں محبتی تعلق کی پیچیدگیوں کا جائزہ لیا گیا ہے۔)
  • She ended her affaire d’amour and moved on with her life. (اس نے اپنے محبتی تعلق کو ختم کیا اور اپنی زندگی میں آگے بڑھ گئی۔)

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