
Advocate-General Pronunciation

The pronunciation of Advocate-General is [ad-vuh-kit-jen-er-uh l].

Advocate-General Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of Advocate-General in Urdu includes:

  • وکیل عام (wakil-e-aam)
  • مدافع عام (mudafi-e-aam)
  • عام وکیل (aam wakil)

Origin of the Word Advocate-General

The term Advocate-General originated from the French word “avocat général.” It is a legal term used to refer to a senior law officer who represents the government in legal matters.

Synonyms of Advocate-General

Synonyms of Advocate-General include:

  • Attorney General
  • Public Prosecutor
  • Government Counsel

Antonyms of Advocate-General

Antonyms of Advocate-General in Urdu are:

  • مخالف وکیل (mukhalif wakil) – Opposing Counsel
  • مدافع خصوصی (mudafi-e-khassosi) – Private Defense Counsel

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Advocate-General are:

  • Advocate (Noun) – وکیل (wakil)
  • Advocate (Verb) – تحریر کرنا (tehreer karna)
  • Advocacy (Noun) – وکالت (wukalat)
  • Advocative (Adjective) – تشدیدی (tashdeedi)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • The Advocate-General presented a strong case against the accused. (وکیل عام نے ملزم کے خلاف مضبوط دلیل پیش کی)
  • The court appointed an Advocate-General to represent the government. (عدالت نے حکومت کی تشریع کو نمائندگی کرنے کے لئے وکیل عام مقرر کیا)


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