advance guard

Advance Guard: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The term “advance guard” is pronounced as [ad-vans gahrd]. In Urdu, it is known as “آگے کی حفاظتی فوج” (aage ki hifazati fouj) or “آگے کی حفاظتی ٹکڑا” (aage ki hifazati tukra).

Origin of the Word Advance Guard

The word “advance guard” originated from the military terminology. It refers to a group of soldiers or military units that are at the forefront of an advancing army or formation. They are responsible for reconnaissance, securing the area, and providing protection to the main force.

Synonyms of Advance Guard

Some synonyms of advance guard include:

  • Forerunners
  • Vanguard
  • Scouts
  • Pioneers
  • Trailblazers

Antonyms of Advance Guard

Antonyms of advance guard in Urdu:

  • پیچھے کی حفاظتی فوج (peechay ki hifazati fouj) – Rearguard
  • مرکزی فوج (markazi fouj) – Main force
  • مرکزی ٹکڑا (markazi tukra) – Main unit

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to advance guard with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Advance (noun) – آگے بڑھنا (aage barhna)
  • Guard (noun) – حفاظتی فوج (hifazati fouj)
  • Reconnaissance (noun) – استعلام (istaalam)
  • Formation (noun) – تشکیل (tashkeel)
  • Protection (noun) – حفاظت (hifazat)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using advance guard along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The advance guard scouted ahead to ensure the safety of the main force. (آگے کی حفاظتی فوج نے مرکزی فوج کی حفاظت کی تصدیق کے لئے آگے کی جانچ پڑتال کی۔)
  • The pioneers formed the advance guard and led the way into uncharted territory. (پیش قدموں نے آگے کی حفاظتی فوج تشکیل دی اور ناجانے علاقے میں راستہ دکھایا۔)
  • The rear guard protected the army from any potential attacks from behind. (پیچھے کی حفاظتی فوج نے ممکنہ حملوں سے فوج کی حفاظت کی۔)

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