
Adulteress Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Adulteress is a noun that refers to a woman who commits adultery, which is the act of engaging in sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse. The pronunciation of adulteress is [uh-duhl-ter-is].

Adulteress Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, adulteress can be translated into multiple meanings:

  • زانیہ (Zaniya): This term refers to a woman who commits adultery.
  • بیوہ (Biwi): It can also mean a widow, but in the context of adultery, it signifies a woman who engages in extramarital affairs.
  • حرام زادہ عورت (Haram Zada Aurat): This phrase describes a woman who is involved in illicit relationships outside of marriage.

Origin of the Word Adulteress

The word adulteress originated from the Latin word “adulterare,” which means “to corrupt” or “to commit adultery.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Synonyms of Adulteress

Some synonyms of adulteress include:

  • Infidel
  • Cheater
  • Harlot
  • Mistress
  • Paramour


Antonyms of adulteress include:

  • Faithful (وفادار)
  • Loyal (وفا دار)
  • Chaste (پاکدامن)
  • Virtuous (نیک)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adulteress are:

  • Adulterate (verb): To make something impure or weaker by adding inferior substances.
  • Adulteration (noun): The act of adulterating or making something impure.
  • Adulterer (noun): A man who commits adultery.
  • Adultery (noun): The act of engaging in sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • She was labeled as an adulteress after her affair was exposed. (وہ ایک زانیہ قرار دی گئی جب اس کا تعلق ظاہر ہوا)
  • The society looked down upon her for being an adulteress. (معاشرت نے اسے زانیہ قرار دیا کیونکہ وہ حرامی تھی)
  • He divorced his wife when he discovered she was an adulteress. (جب اس نے یہ جانا کہ اس کی بیوی زانیہ ہے تو اس نے اسے طلاق دے دی)

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