adoptive father

Adoptive Father Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Adoptive father, pronounced as [uh-dop-tiv fah-th er], refers to a male individual who has legally taken on the role of a father through the process of adoption. In Urdu, adoptive father can be translated as “اختیاری والد” or “اختیاری باپ”.

Origin of the Word Adoptive Father

The word “adoptive” originates from the Latin word “adoptāre,” meaning “to choose for oneself.” The term “father” comes from the Old English word “fæder.” The combination of these words gives us the concept of an adoptive father, someone who has chosen to take on the role of a father.

Synonyms of Adoptive Father

Some synonyms of adoptive father include:

  • Adopted father
  • Legal father
  • Guardian
  • Caretaker

Antonyms of Adoptive Father

Antonyms of adoptive father include:

  • Biological father (بائیولوجی والد)
  • Natural father (قدرتی والد)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adoptive father are:

  • Adoption (اختیار)
  • Adopt (اختیار کرنا) – verb
  • Adopted (اختیار شدہ) – adjective
  • Adopter (اختیار کرنے والا) – noun

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using adoptive father with their Urdu meanings:

  • My adoptive father loves me unconditionally. (میرے اختیاری باپ نے مجھ سے بے شرط محبت کی ہے۔)
  • She considers her adoptive father as her real dad. (وہ اپنے اختیاری باپ کو اپنے حقیقی والد کے طور پر سمجھتی ہے۔)

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