adjustment entry

Adjustment Entry: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

An adjustment entry, pronounced as [uh-juhst-muhnt en-tree], refers to a financial transaction made to correct errors or discrepancies in accounting records. In Urdu, it is known as “ترتیب داخلہ” (Tarteeb Daakhla).

Origin of the Word Adjustment Entry

The word “adjustment” originated from the Latin word “adiustare,” meaning “to make right.” In accounting, an adjustment entry is made to rectify mistakes or update financial records accurately.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for adjustment entry include “correcting entry,” “rectification entry,” or “adjusting journal entry.” Antonyms for adjustment entry would be “error entry” or “misstatement entry” in Urdu, which can refer to entries that contain mistakes or inaccuracies.

Nearby Words

  • Adjustment: (noun) ترتیب (Tarteeb)
  • Entry: (noun) داخلہ (Daakhla)
  • Financial: (adjective) مالیاتی (Maaliyati)
  • Transaction: (noun) لین دین (Leen Deen)
  • Accounting: (noun) حساب داری (Hisab Dari)

Example Sentences

  • I need to make an adjustment entry to correct the inventory value. (مجھے انویسٹری کی قیمت کو درست کرنے کے لئے ترتیب داخلہ کرنا ہوگا۔)
  • The adjustment entry will ensure accurate financial reporting. (ترتیب داخلہ سہی مالی رپورٹنگ کی یقینی بنائے گا۔)
