
Adonis Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Adonis is a word that has its roots in Greek mythology. It is pronounced as “uh-don-is” in English. In Urdu, Adonis can be translated as:

  • آدمی (aadmee) – meaning “man”
  • خوبصورت (khubsurat) – meaning “beautiful”
  • حسین (haseen) – meaning “handsome”

Origin of the Word Adonis

The word Adonis originates from Greek mythology. Adonis was a handsome young man who was loved by the goddess Aphrodite. The story of Adonis is often associated with beauty and desire.

Synonyms of Adonis

Some synonyms of Adonis include:

  • Beautiful
  • Handsome
  • Attractive
  • Gorgeous
  • Stunning


Antonyms of Adonis in Urdu:

  • بدصورت (badsurat) – meaning “ugly”
  • بے حس (be hiss) – meaning “unattractive”
  • بے خوبصورت (be khubsurat) – meaning “unbeautiful”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Adonis with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Adorable (adjective) – پیارا (pyara)
  • Adore (verb) – عشق کرنا (ishq karna)
  • Adorn (verb) – سجانا (sajana)
  • Adorned (adjective) – زینت بند (zeenat band)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using Adonis with their Urdu meanings:

  • He is a true Adonis, with his charming smile. (وہ ایک حقیقی آدمی ہے، اس کی دلکش مسکان کے ساتھ)
  • She fell in love with his Adonis-like features. (وہ اس کی آدمی جیسی خصوصیات میں محبت کر گئی)
  • The bride looked like an Adonis on her wedding day. (دولہا کی شادی کے دن وہ ایک آدمی کی طرح دیکھ رہی تھی)

For more information on Adonis, you can visit the following websites:

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