adjutant general

Adjutant General Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “Adjutant General” is [uh-juh-tuhnt jen-er-uhl].

Adjutant General Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “Adjutant General” in Urdu can be translated as:

  • فوجی معاونتی عمومی (Fauji Muawinati Umumi)
  • فوجی معاونتی جنرل (Fauji Muawinati Jeneral)
  • فوجی معاونتی امیر (Fauji Muawinati Ameer)

Origin of the Word Adjutant General

The term “Adjutant General” originated from the Latin word “adjutans” meaning “helping” or “assisting.” It was first used in the military context to refer to a high-ranking officer responsible for administrative and personnel matters within an army.

Synonyms of Adjutant General

Synonyms for “Adjutant General” include:

  • Chief of Staff
  • Commanding Officer
  • Director General


Antonyms for “Adjutant General” in Urdu:

  • معاونتی عمومی کا مخالف (Muawinati Umumi Ka Mukhalif) – Opposite of Adjutant General
  • فوجی معاونتی جنرل کا مخالف (Fauji Muawinati Jeneral Ka Mukhalif) – Opposite of Adjutant General
  • فوجی معاونتی امیر کا مخالف (Fauji Muawinati Ameer Ka Mukhalif) – Opposite of Adjutant General

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “Adjutant General” in Urdu:

  • Adjutant (Noun) – فوجی معاون (Fauji Muawin)
  • General (Noun) – عمومی (Umumi)
  • Meaning (Noun) – معنی (Ma’ani)
  • Origin (Noun) – وہج (Wajh)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “Adjutant General” with their Urdu translations:

  • The Adjutant General is responsible for overseeing military operations. (فوجی معاونتی عمومی فوجی آپریشنز کی نگرانی کے ذمہ دار ہیں۔)
  • The Chief of Staff reports directly to the Adjutant General. (چیف آف اسٹاف فوجی معاونتی عمومی کو براہ راست رپورٹ کرتا ہے۔)
  • The Adjutant General’s office is located in the main headquarters. (فوجی معاونتی عمومی کا دفتر مرکزی ہیڈکوارٹرز میں واقع ہے۔)

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