
Adenoids Pronunciation

The correct pronunciation of adenoids is [ad-n-oids].

Adenoids Meaning in Urdu

Adenoids is known as “گلٹیوں کا گروہ” in Urdu. Other meanings include “گلٹیوں کا تودہ” and “گلٹیوں کا مجموعہ”.

Origin of the Word Adenoids

The word adenoids originated from the Greek word “aden” meaning “gland” and the suffix “-oid” meaning “resembling”.

Synonyms of Adenoids

Some synonyms of adenoids include “pharyngeal tonsils”, “nasopharyngeal tonsils”, and “third tonsil”.

Antonyms of Adenoids

Antonyms of adenoids include “healthy throat” (صحت مند گلا) and “normal throat” (عام گلا).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adenoids are:

  • Tonsils (noun) – ٹانسل
  • Throat (noun) – گلا
  • Respiratory (adjective) – تنفسی
  • Infection (noun) – انفیکشن
  • Surgery (noun) – جراحی

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word adenoids along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. His adenoids were causing him difficulty in breathing. (اس کے گلٹیوں نے اسے سانس لینے میں مشکل پیدا کی.)
  2. The doctor recommended removing the adenoids. (ڈاکٹر نے گلٹیوں کو ہٹانے کی تجویز کی.)
  3. Adenoids can sometimes cause ear infections. (گلٹیوں کبھی کبھار کان کی انفیکشن کا سبب بن سکتی ہیں.)


For more information about adenoids, you can visit the following websites: