
Activist Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Activist is pronounced as “ak-tuh-vist” and it is a noun. In Urdu, it can be translated as:

  • متحرک (mutaharrik)
  • سرگرم (sargarm)
  • منشیاتی (manshiyati)

Origin of the Word Activist

The word activist originated from the French word “activiste” in the early 20th century. It is derived from the word “activism” which refers to the doctrine or practice of vigorous action or involvement as a means of achieving political or other goals.

Synonyms of Activist

Some synonyms of activist include:

  • Advocate – حامی (hami)
  • Campaigner – مہم جو (muhim jo)
  • Crusader – جہادی (jahadi)
  • Protester – احتجاج کرنے والا (ihtijaj karnay wala)

Antonyms of Activist

Some antonyms of activist include:

  • Passive – ساکن (sakin)
  • Inactive – غیر فعال (ghair faa’il)
  • Indifferent – بے پروا (be parwa)
  • Neutral – بے طرف (be taraf)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to activist are:

  • Activity – سرگرمی (sargarmi) – noun
  • Actively – سرگرمی سے (sargarmi se) – adverb
  • Activate – چالو کرنا (chalu karna) – verb
  • Activation – چالوی (chaluwi) – noun

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word activist along with their Urdu translations:

  • The activist fought for women’s rights. – متحرک خواتین کے حقوق کے لئے لڑا۔
  • She is an environmental activist. – وہ ماحولیاتی متحرک ہے۔
  • The activist organized a protest against injustice. – متحرک نے ناانصافی کے خلاف احتجاج کا انتظام کیا۔

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