
Activities Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Activities, pronounced as /ˌæktɪˈvɪtiz/, is a noun that refers to a range of actions or tasks carried out by individuals or groups. In Urdu, activities can be translated as “سرگرمیاں” (sargarmiyan) or “کام” (kaam).

Origin of the Word Activities

The word “activities” originated from the Latin word “activus,” meaning “active.” It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Synonyms of Activities

Some synonyms of activities include:

  • Tasks – “کام” (kaam)
  • Actions – “اعمال” (aamal)
  • Operations – “آپریشن” (operation)
  • Engagements – “مصروفیت” (masroofiyat)

Antonyms of Activities

Some antonyms of activities include:

  • Inactivity – “سستی” (susti)
  • Passivity – “سکون” (sukoon)
  • Idleness – “کاہلی” (kaheli)
  • Rest – “آرام” (aaram)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to activities include:

  • Active (Adjective) – “سرگرم” (sargaram)
  • Actively (Adverb) – “سرگرمی سے” (sargarmi se)
  • Activation (Noun) – “چالو کرنے کا عمل” (chalu karne ka amal)
  • Activism (Noun) – “سرگرمی” (sargarmi)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the word “activities” in Urdu:

  • میں اپنی روزمرہ کی سرگرمیوں میں شامل ہوں۔ (I am involved in my daily activities.)
  • وہ اپنی سرگرمیوں کو پورا کرتا ہے۔ (He completes his activities.)
  • میرے پاس کافی سرگرمیاں ہیں۔ (I have many activities.)


For more information on the word “activities,” you can refer to the following sources: