act of god

Act of God Pronunciation

The term “act of God” is pronounced as “akt uhv god”.

Act of God Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “act of God” in Urdu can be translated as:

  • خدا کا عمل (Khuda ka amal)
  • خدا کی مرضی (Khuda ki marzi)
  • خدا کا حکم (Khuda ka hukam)

Origin of the Word Act of God

The term “act of God” originated from the Latin phrase “vis major,” meaning superior force. It was later translated into English as “act of God” to refer to events or circumstances that are beyond human control and are caused by natural forces or disasters.

Synonyms of Act of God

Some synonyms of “act of God” include:

  • Natural disaster
  • Force majeure
  • Unforeseen event


Antonyms of “act of God” in Urdu:

  • انسانی کارروائی (Insani karrawai) – Human action
  • منصوبہ (Mansooba) – Planned
  • منظم (Munazzam) – Organized

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “act of God” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Act (noun) – کام (Kaam)
  • God (noun) – خدا (Khuda)
  • Pronunciation (noun) – تلفظ (Talafuz)
  • Meaning (noun) – معنی (Ma’ani)
  • Origin (noun) – وہج (Wajh)
  • Synonyms (noun) – مترادفات (Mutradifat)
  • Antonyms (noun) – متضادات (Mutazadat)
  • Examples (noun) – مثالیں (Misali)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “act of God” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The flood was considered an act of God. (سیلاب کو خدا کا عمل سمجھا گیا)
  • Due to the earthquake, the building collapsed as if it was an act of God. (زلزلے کی وجہ سے عمارت خدا کا عمل کی طرح گر گئی)
  • The insurance policy covers damages caused by acts of God. (بیمہ پالسی خدا کے عمل سے ہونے والے نقصانات کو کھلتی ہے)

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