
Accretive Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Accretive is pronounced as “uh-kree-tiv”. In Urdu, it is translated as “افزائشی” (afzayeshi) or “مضاف” (muzaf).

Origin of the Word Accretive

The word “accretive” originated from the Latin word “accretivus”, which means “to increase” or “to grow”. It entered the English language in the mid-19th century.

Synonyms of Accretive

Some synonyms of accretive include:

  • Incremental (اضافی)
  • Cumulative (مجموعی)
  • Progressive (تدریجی)
  • Augmentative (افزائشی)
  • Amplifying (توسیعی)

Antonyms of Accretive

Some antonyms of accretive include:

  • Decremental (کمی)
  • Reductive (تخفیفی)
  • Diminishing (کم ہونے والا)
  • Decreasing (کم ہونے والا)
  • Subtractive (منہی)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to accretive are:

  • Accretion (افزائش)
  • Accrete (ملنا)
  • Accreted (افزودہ)
  • Accretes (ملتا ہے)
  • Accretionary (افزائشی)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “accretive” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The company’s accretive growth strategy led to increased profits. (کمپنی کا افزائشی ترقی کا طریقہ کار منافع میں اضافہ کرتا ہے۔)
  • The accretive nature of the project allowed for continuous expansion. (منصوبے کی افزائشی کیفیت نے مسلسل توسیع کی اجازت دی۔)
  • Her accretive efforts in learning resulted in remarkable achievements. (اس کی افزائشی کوششوں نے سیکھنے میں قابلِ توجہ کامیابیاں حاصل کیں۔)

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