
Accords Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “accords” is pronounced as uh-kawrdz. In Urdu, it is translated as “مطابقت” (mutabiqat), “موافقت” (mawafiqat), and “اتحاد” (ittehad).

Origin of the Word Accords

The word “accords” originated from the Old French word “acorder,” which means “to agree.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Synonyms of Accords

Some synonyms of “accords” include:

  • Agrees (متفق ہونا)
  • Conforms (مطابق ہونا)
  • Harmonizes (موافق ہونا)
  • Matches (ملتا ہے)
  • Corresponds (مماثل ہونا)

Antonyms of Accords

Some antonyms of “accords” include:

  • Disagrees (متفق نہ ہونا)
  • Contradicts (مخالفت کرنا)
  • Conflicts (تضاد ہونا)
  • Differs (مختلف ہونا)
  • Opposes (مخالفت کرنا)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “accords” are:

  • Accordance (اتفاق) – Noun
  • Accordant (موافق) – Adjective
  • Accordingly (اس کے مطابق) – Adverb
  • Accordable (قابل موافقت) – Adjective
  • Accorder (موافقت کرنے والا) – Noun

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “accords” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He accords with my opinion. (وہ میرے خیال سے موافقت کرتا ہے۔)
  2. Their actions do not accord with their words. (ان کی کارروائی ان کے الفاظ کے مطابق نہیں ہوتی ہے۔)
  3. The two countries reached an accord on trade. (دونوں ممالک نے تجارت پر معاہدہ کیا۔)


For more information on the word “accords,” you can refer to the following sources: