
Aestheticism: Pronunciation, Meaning in Urdu, Origin, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words


Aestheticism is pronounced as es-thet-uh-siz-uhm.

Meaning in Urdu

Aestheticism in Urdu can be translated as “جمالیت پرستی” or “حسینیت کا عقیدہ”.

Origin of the Word Aestheticism

The word aestheticism originated from the Greek word “aisthēsis,” meaning perception or sensation. It was first used in the mid-19th century to describe a philosophical and artistic movement that emphasized the importance of beauty and sensory experience in art and life.

Synonyms of Aestheticism

Some synonyms of aestheticism include:

  • Artistic appreciation
  • Beauty worship
  • Artistic idealism
  • Artistic sensibility


Antonyms of aestheticism in Urdu:

  • بے حسی – Insensitivity
  • بد ذوقی – Bad taste
  • بے دلی – Heartlessness
  • بے روحی – Soullessness

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aestheticism with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Aesthetics (noun) – جمالیات
  • Aesthete (noun) – جمالیت پرست
  • Aesthetically (adverb) – جمالی طور پر
  • Aesthetical (adjective) – جمالی

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using aestheticism along with their Urdu meanings:

  • His paintings reflect his aestheticism. (اس کی تصاویر اس کی جمالیت پرستی کو عکاس کرتی ہیں۔)
  • She has a deep appreciation for aestheticism. (اسے جمالیت پرستی کا گہرا احساس ہے۔)
  • The poet’s verses are filled with aestheticism. (شاعر کی شعروں میں جمالیت پرستی بھری ہوتی ہیں۔)


For more information on aestheticism, you can visit the following websites:

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