
Acceptability: A Closer Look at Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu


The word “acceptability” is pronounced as ak-sep-tuh-bil-i-tee. The stress is on the second syllable, “sep”.

Meaning in Urdu

The Urdu meanings of “acceptability” include:

  1. قابلیت قبولیت (Qabliyat-e-Qubooliyat)
  2. قابلیت قبول (Qabliyat-e-Qubool)
  3. قابلیت قبول پذیری (Qabliyat-e-Qubool Pazeeri)

Origin of the Word

The word “acceptability” originated from the verb “accept” and the suffix “-ability.” It first appeared in the mid-19th century.


Synonyms of “acceptability” include:

  • Suitability (موزوں پن)
  • Admissibility (قابلیت قبول)
  • Tolerance (برداشت)


Antonyms of “acceptability” with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Rejection (مستردی)
  • Inadmissibility (غیر قابل قبولیت)
  • Intolerance (نا برداشت)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “acceptability” are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Accept Verb قبول کرنا
Acceptance Noun قبولیت
Accepted Adjective مقبول

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  • The acceptability of his proposal was questioned. (اس کی تجویز کی قابلیت پر سوالات کئے گئے۔)
  • Her ideas were met with wide acceptability. (اس کے خیالات کو وسیع قبولیت سے ملاقات کیا گیا۔)
  • The acceptability of the product depends on customer feedback. (مصنوعات کی قابلیت قبول خریداروں کی رائے پر منحصر ہوتی ہے۔)

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