
Abstract: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “abstract” is pronounced as /æbˈstrækt/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “khulasa” (خلاصہ) and “tasawwur” (تصور). The term “abstract” has multiple meanings in Urdu, including:

  1. خلاصہ: A summary or concise statement.
  2. تصور: A concept or idea that is not concrete or tangible.
  3. مجرد: Something that is separate or detached from reality.

Origin of the Word Abstract

The word “abstract” originated from the Latin word “abstractus,” which means “drawn away.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century and evolved to its current usage over time.

Synonyms of Abstract

Some synonyms of “abstract” include:

  • Summary
  • Conceptual
  • Theoretical
  • Nonrepresentational
  • Abstruse


The antonyms of “abstract” in Urdu are:

  • تفصیلی: Detailed
  • حقیقی: Real
  • مادی: Material
  • عینی: Concrete

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “abstract” in Urdu, along with their parts of speech and meanings, are:

  • Abstraction (noun): تصور، خیال
  • Abstracted (adjective): غائب دماغ، بے خیال
  • Abstractly (adverb): تصوری طور پر، خیالی طور پر

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using “abstract” in Urdu:

  1. میں نے کتاب کا خلاصہ پڑھا۔ (I read the summary of the book.)
  2. تصور کرنا میری پسندیدہ حرکت ہے۔ (Imagining is my favorite activity.)
  3. وہ مجرد خیالات پر زندگی گزارتا ہے۔ (He lives his life based on abstract ideas.)


To explore more about the word “abstract,” you can visit the following sources: