
Abolished: Definition, Origin, and Meaning in Urdu

Abolished is a verb that means to officially end or put an end to something, such as a law, system, or practice. It is derived from the Latin word “abolēre,” which means “destroy” or “annihilate.” The word abolished is commonly used in legal and political contexts to describe the act of eliminating or terminating something.

Meaning in Urdu:

1. ختم کرنا (Khatam Karna)

2. منسوخ کرنا (Mansookh Karna)

3. منسوخ ہونا (Mansookh Hona)


1. Eliminate (ختم کرنا)

2. Eradicate (ختم کرنا)

3. Abrogate (منسوخ کرنا)


1. Establish (قائم کرنا)

2. Introduce (شروع کرنا)

3. Implement (لاگو کرنا)

Nearby Words:

1. Abolition (Noun) – منسوخی

2. Abolitionist (Noun) – منسوخی کا حامی

3. Abolishing (Verb) – منسوخی کرنا

Example Sentences:

1. The government abolished the outdated law. (حکومت نے پرانی قانون کو ختم کردیا)

2. Slavery was abolished in the 19th century. (غلامی کو 19ویں صدی میں منسوخ کیا گیا)

3. The committee recommended abolishing the discriminatory policy. (کمیٹی نے تفریق پرستانہ پالیسی کو منسوخ کرنے کی تجویز کی)

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