
Abatements: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abatements (pronounced uh-beyt-muhnts) is a noun that refers to the act of reducing or lessening something, especially in terms of intensity, force, or degree. In Urdu, abatements can be translated as:

  • کمی (kami)
  • تخفیف (takhfeef)
  • کم کرنا (kam karna)

Origin of the Word Abatements

The word “abatements” originated from the Middle English term “abatement,” which came from the Old French word “abatre” meaning “to beat down” or “to lower.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Synonyms of Abatements

Some synonyms of abatements include:

  • Reductions (تخفیفات – takhfeefaat)
  • Diminutions (کمی – kami)
  • Decreases (کمی – kami)

Antonyms of Abatements

Antonyms of abatements, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Increments (افزائش – afzaish)
  • Enhancements (ترقی – taraqqi)
  • Amplifications (بڑھانا – barhana)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abatements, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Abate (verb) – کم کرنا (kam karna)
  • Abated (adjective) – کم ہوا (kam hua)
  • Abater (noun) – کم کرنے والا (kam karnay wala)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences that demonstrate the usage of abatements along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. The noise abatement measures helped reduce the sound pollution. (آواز کی کمی کے اقدامات نے آوازی آلودگی کو کم کیا)
  2. The government announced tax abatements for small businesses. (حکومت نے چھوٹے کاروباروں کے لئے ٹیکس کی کمی کا اعلان کیا)
  3. She requested an abatement of the fine imposed on her. (اس نے اس پر عائد کیے گئے جرمانے کی کمی کی درخواست کی)

For more information on abatements, you can visit the following websites: