
Apeak Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Apeak is an English word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of apeak in Urdu are:

  1. بالکل سیدھا (completely straight)
  2. بالکل اوپر (completely up)
  3. بالکل بالا (completely high)

Synonyms of Apeak

Some synonyms of apeak in English are:

  • Vertical (عمودی)
  • Upright (سیدھا)
  • Erect (کھڑا)

Antonyms of Apeak

Some antonyms of apeak in English with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Horizontal (افقی) – متوازی
  • Downward (نیچے) – نیچے کی طرف
  • Low (کم) – کم

Nearby Words

Some nearby words of apeak with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Ape Noun بندر
Aperient Adjective قبض کشا
Apathy Noun بے حسی

Origin of the Word Apeak

The word apeak originated from the nautical term “a-peak.” It refers to the position of an anchor when it is pulled up to the surface of the water, hanging vertically from the ship’s bow. Over time, the term “a-peak” evolved into the word “apeak” and started being used in various contexts.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The flagpole stood apeak, proudly displaying the national flag. (جھنڈا پول عمودی طور پر کھڑا تھا، ملکی جھنڈا فخر سے لہرا رہا تھا۔)
  2. He held the binoculars apeak to get a better view of the distant mountains. (وہ دور کے پہاڑوں کو بہتر نظر آنے کے لئے بناکلر عمودی طور پر پکڑے ہوئے تھے۔)
  3. The ship’s anchor was raised apeak before setting sail. (جہاز کا لنگر سمندر میں ڈالنے سے پہلے عمودی طور پر اٹھایا گیا۔)

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