
Abask Pronunciation

The word “abask” is pronounced as [uh-bask].

Abask Meaning in Urdu

The word “abask” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. دھوپ میں (meaning “in the sun”)
  2. روشنی میں (meaning “in the light”)
  3. دھوپ کے سامنے (meaning “in front of the sun”)

Origin of the Word Abask

The word “abask” originated from the Middle English word “abaschen,” which means “to astonish” or “to confound.” It later evolved to include the meaning of being in the sun or light.

Synonyms of Abask

Some synonyms of “abask” include:

  • sunlit (دھوپ میں)
  • illuminated (روشنی میں)
  • before the sun (دھوپ کے سامنے)

Antonyms of Abask

Antonyms of “abask” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Shaded (سایہ دار) – protected from the sun
  • Darkened (تاریک) – lacking light
  • Behind the sun (سورج کے پیچھے) – away from the sun

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “abask” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Abate Verb کم کرنا
Abandon Verb ترک کرنا
Abandonment Noun ترک

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “abask” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The flowers were abask in the morning sun. (پھول صبح کی دھوپ میں تھے۔)
  • The room was abask with natural light. (کمرہ روشنی سے بھرا ہوا تھا۔)
  • She stood abask, enjoying the warmth of the sun. (وہ دھوپ میں کھڑی ہوئی، سورج کی گرمی کا لطف اٹھاتے ہوئی۔)


For more information about the word “abask,” you can visit the following sources: