
Abalone: A Unique Sea Creature

Pronunciation of Abalone

The correct pronunciation of abalone is [ab-uh-loh-nee].

Abalone Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, abalone is known as “Samandari Kauwa” or “سمندری کوا”.

Origin of the Word Abalone

The word “abalone” originates from the Spanish word “abulón” and the Latin word “haliotis”.

Synonyms of Abalone

Some synonyms of abalone include:

  • Paua
  • Ear-shell
  • Ormer
  • Sea ear

Antonyms of Abalone

Antonyms of abalone in Urdu:

  • Khushki (Dryness)
  • Be Namak (Tasteless)
  • Be Zaiqa (Flavorless)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abalone are:

  • Shell (noun) – “Ghola” (گھولا)
  • Sea (noun) – “Samandar” (سمندر)
  • Creature (noun) – “Makhlooq” (مخلوق)
  • Unique (adjective) – “Yakta” (یکتا)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using abalone with their Urdu meanings:

  • The abalone shell was beautifully iridescent. (سمندری کوا کی چھالاکی خوبصورت تھی۔)
  • She enjoyed a delicious abalone dish at the seaside restaurant. (وہ سمندر کے کنارے والے ریستوران میں لذیذ سمندری کوا کا کھانا لطف اٹھاتی تھی۔)

For more information about abalone, you can visit the following websites:

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