
Aristotelian Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Aristotelian (/ˌærɪstəˈtiːliən/) is an adjective that refers to the philosophical ideas and teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. In Urdu, Aristotelian can be translated as “ارسطوی” (Arastuvi).

Meanings of Aristotelian in Urdu

1. ارسطوی: Relating to Aristotle or his philosophy.

2. فلسفہ ارسطو: Philosophy of Aristotle.

3. ارسطوی فلسفے کا پیرو: Follower of Aristotelian philosophy.

Synonyms of Aristotelian

1. Philosophical: فلسفیانہ (Filasfiana)

2. Rational: منطقی (Mantaqi)

3. Logical: منطقی (Mantaqi)

Antonyms of Aristotelian

1. Unphilosophical: غیر فلسفی (Ghair Filasfi)

2. Irrational: غیر منطقی (Ghair Mantaqi)

3. Illogical: غیر منطقی (Ghair Mantaqi)

Nearby Words

1. Aristotle (Noun): ارسطو (Arastu)

2. Philosophy (Noun): فلسفہ (Filasfa)

3. Logic (Noun): منطق (Mantaq)

Origin of the Word Aristotelian

The word Aristotelian originates from the name of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. Aristotle’s philosophical ideas greatly influenced Western thought and continue to be studied and debated today.

Example Sentences

1. Aristotle’s Aristotelian philosophy laid the foundation for many branches of knowledge. (ارسطو کی ارسطوی فلسفہ نے علوم کے کئی شاخوں کی بنیاد رکھی)

2. She is a renowned scholar of Aristotelian philosophy. (وہ ارسطوی فلسفے کی مشہور عالم ہیں)

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