Baffler Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings
Baffler is an English word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of baffler in Urdu are:
- مشکل بنانے والا: This meaning refers to someone or something that creates difficulty or confusion.
- پریشان کرنے والا: This meaning describes someone or something that causes annoyance or perplexity.
- راز کھولنے والا: This meaning refers to someone who reveals secrets or solves mysteries.
Synonyms of Baffler:
Some synonyms of baffler include:
- Perplexing
- Puzzling
- Bewildering
- Mystifying
- Bemusing
Baffler Pronunciation:
The pronunciation of baffler is [baf-ler].
Antonyms of baffler in Urdu include:
- آسان: Meaning “easy” in English.
- سادہ: Meaning “simple” in English.
- واضح: Meaning “clear” in English.
Nearby Words:
Some nearby words related to baffler, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:
- Baffle (verb): راز کھولنا
- Baffled (adjective): حیران
- Bafflement (noun): حیرت
- Baffling (adjective): پریشان کن
Origin of the Word Baffler:
The word baffler originated from the verb “baffle,” which came from the French word “bafouiller” meaning “to stammer” or “to hesitate.”
Examples Sentences:
- The mystery novel’s ending was a real baffler. (اس معمہ ناول کا خاتمہ واقعی راز کھولنے والا تھا۔)
- The magician’s tricks left the audience baffled. (جادوگر کے جادوئی کرتب سے حاضرین حیران رہ گئے۔)
- The complex math problem proved to be a baffler for the students. (پیچیدہ ریاضی کا مسئلہ طلبہ کے لئے پریشان کن ثابت ہوا۔)
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