bad quality

Bad Quality Meaning in Urdu: برا کوالٹی

Bad quality, or برا کوالٹی in Urdu, refers to something that is of poor or inferior quality. It implies that the item or product does not meet the desired standards or expectations, and may be flawed, defective, or substandard in some way.

Synonyms of Bad Quality:

  • Poor Quality – بری کوالٹی
  • Inferior Quality – کم تر کوالٹی
  • Low Quality – کم کوالٹی
  • Substandard – غیر معیاری
  • Defective – خراب

Bad Quality Pronunciation:

[bad kwol-i-tee]


  • Good Quality – اچھی کوالٹی
  • High Quality – بلند کوالٹی
  • Superior Quality – برتر کوالٹی
  • Excellent Quality – عمدہ کوالٹی
  • Top-notch Quality – بہترین کوالٹی

Nearby Words:

  • Badminton (Noun) – بیڈمنٹن
  • Badge (Noun) – بیج
  • Badger (Verb) – پریشان کرنا
  • Badly (Adverb) – بری طرح
  • Badmash (Noun) – بدمعاش

Origin of the Word Bad Quality:

The word “bad” originated from the Old English word “bæddel” meaning “effeminate man” or “hermaphrodite.” Over time, its meaning evolved to represent something of poor quality or unfavorable nature.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The shirt I bought from that store was of bad quality. (میں نے اس دکان سے خریدی ہوئی قمیض بری کوالٹی کی تھی۔)
  2. She complained about the bad quality of the food served at the restaurant. (اس نے ریستوران میں پیش کی گئی کھانے کی بری کوالٹی پر شکایت کی۔)
  3. The company faced a decline in sales due to the bad quality of their products. (کمپنی کو اپنے مصنوعات کی بری کوالٹی کی وجہ سے فروخت میں کمی کا سامنا ہوا۔)

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