
Afterthat: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Afterthat is a compound word consisting of “after” and “that.” It is pronounced as /ˈæftərˌðæt/ in English. In Urdu, it is written as “بعد ازاں” and pronounced as “baad azan.”

Meanings in Urdu

  • بعد ازاں: Referring to something that occurs subsequently or following a particular event.
  • اس کے بعد: Indicating the time or event that comes after another.
  • اس کے بعد: In addition to something previously mentioned.

Origin of the Word Afterthat

The word “afterthat” originated from Middle English, combining the words “after” and “that.” It has been in use since the 14th century.

Synonyms of Afterthat

Some synonyms of afterthat include:

  • Subsequently
  • Later
  • Following
  • Thereafter
  • Next


Antonyms of afterthat include:

  • Before: پہلے
  • Prior: پہلے
  • Preceding: پہلے

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to afterthat include:

  • Afterward (Adverb): بعد میں
  • Afterwards (Adverb): بعد میں
  • Afterbirth (Noun): جنین کے بعد جسم سے نکلنے والا مادہ
  • Afternoon (Noun): دوپہر
  • Aftertaste (Noun): بعد کی مزیدار لذت

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He finished his work, and afterthat he went home. (وہ اپنا کام ختم کرتے ہی گھر چلا گیا۔)
  2. She attended the meeting, and afterthat she had dinner with her friends. (وہ میٹنگ میں شرکت کی اور اس کے بعد اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ رات کا کھانا کھایا۔)
  3. He studied hard, and afterthat he aced the exam. (وہ محنت کرتا رہا اور اس کے بعد امتحان میں کامیاب ہوگیا۔)

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