
Astray Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Astray, in Urdu, can be translated as “گمراہ” (gumrah), “بھٹکا ہوا” (bhatka hua), or “بھٹکا ہوا ہونا” (bhatka hua hona). It is an adjective that refers to being away from the correct path or direction.

Synonyms of Astray:

  • Lost – “گمشدہ” (gumshuda)
  • Wandering – “بھٹکتا ہوا” (bhatkta hua)
  • Errant – “گمراہ” (gumrah)
  • Off course – “راستے سے ہٹ کر” (rastay se hat kar)


The pronunciation of astray is [uh-strey] in English.


  • Guided – “ہدایت شدہ” (hidayat shuda)
  • On track – “راستے پر” (rastay par)
  • Correct – “صحیح” (sahih)
  • Accurate – “درست” (durust)

Nearby Words:

  • Astrakhan (Noun) – “استرخان” (astrakhan) – A type of fur
  • Astragal (Noun) – “ہڈی کی ہڈی” (haddi ki haddi) – A bone in the ankle
  • Astragalus (Noun) – “ہڈی کی ہڈی” (haddi ki haddi) – A bone in the ankle
  • Astray (Adverb) – “گمراہ” (gumrah) – Away from the correct path


The word “astray” originated from Middle English, combining the prefix “a-” (away) and the word “stray” (to wander). It has been in use since the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He went astray in the forest. (وہ جنگل میں گمراہ ہوگیا۔)
  2. The lost child was found astray in the city. (گمشدہ بچہ شہر میں گمراہ پایا گیا۔)
  3. She realized she had wandered astray from her original plan. (اس نے محسوس کیا کہ وہ اپنی اصلی منصوبے سے بھٹک گئی تھی۔)

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