
Approbation Meaning in Urdu: تصدیق

Approbation is a noun that means approval or praise. It is derived from the Latin word “approbare” which means to approve. In Urdu, the word “تصدیق” is used to convey the meaning of approbation.

Synonyms of Approbation:

  • Endorsement – توثیق
  • Acclaim – ستائش
  • Commendation – سراہنا
  • Approval – منظوری

Antonyms of Approbation:

  • Disapproval – نا منظوری
  • Censure – ملامت
  • Rejection – رد کرنا
  • Denunciation – مذمت

Nearby Words:

  • Approach (verb) – قربانی کرنا
  • Approbatory (adjective) – تصدیقی
  • Approbative (adjective) – تصدیقی
  • Approbatively (adverb) – تصدیقی طور پر

Origin of the Word Approbation:

The word approbation originated in the late 16th century from the Latin word “approbare” which means to approve. It entered the English language through French.

Examples Sentences:

  1. His hard work and dedication earned him the approbation of his colleagues. (اس کی محنت اور مسلسل کام کرنے کی وجہ سے اس کو ساتھیوں کی تصدیق ملی۔)
  2. The teacher’s approbation motivated the students to strive for excellence. (استاد کی تصدیق نے طلباء کو بہتری کی کوشش کرنے کی ترغیب دی۔)

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