
Apologizing Meaning in Urdu: A Guide to Understanding the Concept

Apologizing is an essential aspect of human communication, allowing individuals to express remorse and seek forgiveness. In Urdu, apologizing is known as “معذرت کرنا” (ma’azrat karna). Let’s explore the various meanings, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, origin, and examples of apologizing in Urdu.

Meanings of Apologizing in Urdu

  • معافی کرنا (maafi karna) – To seek forgiveness
  • توبہ کرنا (toba karna) – To repent
  • شرمندہ ہونا (sharminda hona) – To feel ashamed

Synonyms of Apologizing

  • راضی کرنا (raazi karna) – To appease
  • معافی مانگنا (maafi mangna) – To ask for forgiveness
  • تسلیم کرنا (tasleem karna) – To admit

Antonyms of Apologizing

  • مسترد کرنا (mustrid karna) – To reject
  • نفی کرنا (nafi karna) – To deny
  • تکرار کرنا (takrar karna) – To repeat

Nearby Words

  • Apology (noun) – معذرت (ma’azrat)
  • Apologist (noun) – معتذر (mutazir)
  • Apologize (verb) – معذرت کرنا (ma’azrat karna)

Origin of the Word Apologizing

The word “apologizing” originated from the Greek word “apologia,” meaning a defense or justification. It later evolved to include the act of expressing regret or seeking forgiveness.

Example Sentences

  • I apologized to my friend for my mistake. (میں نے اپنی غلطی کے لئے دوست سے معذرت کی)
  • She apologized for being late. (وہ تاخیر کے لئے معذرت کرتی رہی)
  • Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. (براہ کرم میری معذرت قبول کریں کسی بھی بے آرامی کے لئے)

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, and thefreedictionary.com.

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