
Ananta Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Infinite

Ananta, pronounced as “uh-nuhn-tuh,” is a beautiful and meaningful word that holds significance in various cultures and languages. In Urdu, Ananta has several meanings:

Meanings of Ananta in Urdu:

  • بے حد (limitless)
  • لا محدود (infinite)
  • ابدی (eternal)

Synonyms of Ananta:

Ananta can be synonymous with words like:

  • بے انتہا (be-inteha) – limitless
  • لا حد (la-had) – infinite
  • ابدی (abadi) – eternal

Antonyms of Ananta:

On the other hand, antonyms of Ananta include:

  • محدود (mahdood) – limited
  • محدودہ (mahdooda) – finite
  • معین (maeen) – defined

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to Ananta are:

  • انتہا (inteha) – limit (noun)
  • انتہائی (intehai) – extreme (adjective)
  • انتہائی (intehai) – extremely (adverb)

Origin of the Word Ananta:

Ananta is derived from Sanskrit and is often associated with Lord Vishnu, who is considered the preserver and protector in Hindu mythology. The word signifies the infinite and eternal nature of the divine.

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using Ananta:

  1. وہ انتہائی خوبصورتی کا حامل ہے۔ (He is the embodiment of infinite beauty.)
  2. انتہائی محبت کا احساس ہوتا ہے۔ (It feels like an infinite love.)
  3. ابدی دوستی کی مثال ہے۔ (It is an example of eternal friendship.)

If you want to explore more about Ananta, you can visit the following links:

Ananta is a word that encapsulates the concept of limitlessness and eternity. Its deep meaning and cultural significance make it a word worth exploring and understanding.

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