Aircompressor Pronunciation
The correct pronunciation of the word “aircompressor” is air-kum-pres-er.
Aircompressor Meaning in Urdu
The meaning of aircompressor in Urdu can be translated as:
- ہوا کمپریسر
- ہوا دباو والا آلہ
- ہوا کمپریشن مشین
Origin of the Word Aircompressor
The word “aircompressor” originated from the combination of two words: “air” and “compressor.” The term “air” refers to the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the Earth, while “compressor” refers to a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. When combined, “aircompressor” refers to a machine that compresses air to increase its pressure.
Synonyms of Aircompressor
Some synonyms of aircompressor include:
- Air pump
- Air compressor machine
- Air pressure device
Antonyms of Aircompressor
Antonyms of aircompressor in Urdu:
- بے دباو ہوا کمپریسر (Unpressurized aircompressor)
- ہوا کمپریسر کی عدم موجودگی (Absence of aircompressor)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to aircompressor with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:
- Air: Noun – ہوا
- Compressor: Noun – کمپریسر
- Machine: Noun – مشین
- Pressure: Noun – دباو
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are some example sentences using the word “aircompressor” along with their Urdu meanings:
- English: The aircompressor is used to inflate tires.
- Urdu: ہوا کمپریسر پہوہڑوں کو پھولانے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔
- English: The mechanic repaired the aircompressor.
- Urdu: میکانک نے ہوا کمپریسر کی مرمت کی۔
For more information about aircompressors, you can visit the following websites: