after date

After Date Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

After Date is pronounced as “af-ter deyt” and is a noun phrase. In Urdu, it is known as “تاریخ کے بعد”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • تاریخ کے بعد: Referring to events or actions that occur after a specific date.
  • مقررہ تاریخ کے بعد: Following a predetermined date.
  • تاریخ کے بعد کا وقت: The period of time after a particular date.

Origin of the Word After Date

The word “after” originated from Old English “æfter” and “date” originated from Latin “data” meaning “given.” The combination of these two words forms the phrase “after date,” which refers to events or actions occurring after a specific date.

Synonyms of After Date

Some synonyms of After Date include:

  • Postdate
  • Following
  • Subsequent
  • Later


Antonyms of After Date with their meanings in Urdu:

  • قبل از وقت: Before Date
  • پہلے: Earlier
  • پہلے سے: Prior
  • تاریخ سے پہلے: Preceding

Nearby Words

Some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • After (Preposition) – بعد میں
  • Afterbirth (Noun) – بچے کی پیدائش کے بعد جسم سے خارج ہونے والا مادہ
  • Afternoon (Noun) – دوپہر
  • Afterward (Adverb) – بعد میں

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • He will arrive after date. (وہ تاریخ کے بعد پہنچے گا۔)
  • Please complete the task after the given date. (براہ کرم مقررہ تاریخ کے بعد کام مکمل کریں۔)
  • The event will take place after the specified date. (واقعہ مقررہ تاریخ کے بعد منعقد ہوگا۔)

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