
Adventurer Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “adventurer” is pronounced as /ədˈvɛn.tʃər.ər/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “muhimmaand” or “muhimmaand shakhs”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • مہمماند (muhimmaand) – noun
  • مہمماند شخص (muhimmaand shakhs) – noun

Origin of the Word Adventurer

The word “adventurer” originated from the Middle English word “aventurier” which came from the Old French word “aventurier”. It is derived from the Latin word “adventurus” meaning “about to happen”.

Synonyms of Adventurer

  • Explorer – مکشف (mukashif) – noun
  • Venturer – مہمماند (muhimmaand) – noun
  • Risk-taker – خطرہ جو (khatra jo) – noun


  • Conservative – محتاط (muhtaat) – noun
  • Cautious – ہوشیار (hoshiyar) – adjective
  • Timid – بزدل (buzdil) – adjective

Nearby Words

  • Adventure – مہم (mehm) – noun
  • Adventurous – مہمماند (muhimmaand) – adjective
  • Adventurously – مہمماندانہ (muhimmaandana) – adverb

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • He is an adventurer who loves exploring new places. (وہ ایک مہمماند ہے جو نئے مقامات کا تلاش کرنے کو پسند کرتا ہے۔)
  • The adventurer embarked on a dangerous journey. (مہمماند نے خطرناک سفر پر چلا گیا۔)
  • She has a daring spirit, making her a true adventurer. (اس کے پاس بہادرانہ روح ہے، جو اسے ایک حقیقی مہمماند بناتی ہے۔)

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