
Acuteangle Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The term “acuteangle” is pronounced as “uh-kyoot-ang-guhl.” In Urdu, it is known as “تیز زاویہ” (tez zawiya). The word “acute” refers to something sharp or severe, while “angle” signifies the measurement between two intersecting lines. Therefore, an acute angle is a sharp or severe measurement between two lines that intersect.

Origin of the Word Acuteangle

The word “acuteangle” originated from the Latin word “acutus,” meaning sharp or pointed, and the Old English word “angle,” referring to a corner or a space between intersecting lines.

Synonyms of Acuteangle

Some synonyms of acuteangle include:

  • Sharp angle
  • Narrow angle
  • Steep angle

Antonyms of Acuteangle

Antonyms of acuteangle in Urdu include:

  • Obtuse angle – “بڑھا ہوا زاویہ” (barha hua zawiya)
  • Right angle – “صحیح زاویہ” (sahi zawiya)
  • Straight angle – “سیدھا زاویہ” (seedha zawiya)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to acuteangle, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Acute (adjective) – “تیز” (tez)
  • Angle (noun) – “زاویہ” (zawiya)
  • Measurement (noun) – “پیمائش” (pemayesh)
  • Intersecting (adjective) – “متقابل” (muttaqabil)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using acuteangle with their Urdu meanings:

  • The roof of the house had an acuteangle, making it difficult to install the solar panels. (گھر کی چھت میں تیز زاویہ تھا، جس کی وجہ سے سولر پینلز کی تنصیب مشکل ہوئی۔)
  • The acuteangle between the two roads caused a traffic jam. (دو سڑکوں کے درمیان تیز زاویہ کی وجہ سے ٹریفک جام ہوا۔)

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